I don't mean to sound cliché, but this year is going to be an amazing year! I can already tell! No matter what anyone says, I feel like it is just so much easier to get yourself together in January. It's a fresh start whether you start school at this time or it's just a new semester, make the most of it! Here are some ideas to make 2016 an amazing year.
Let's get the obvious out of the way first. Get healthy! This is pretty much everyone's new years resolution, but if you have a hard time sticking to such vague resolutions, try setting a goal of going to the gym at least three times a week, that's what I did. I'm also trying a vegan diet for a while. I've always been a vegetarian, but when it comes to eating better, being on vegan diet is the way for me. If it isn't for you, try researching other nutritional diets like the Paleo. I'm not into fad diets so I haven't researched the Paleo, but I suggest trying whatever works for you, even if you have to try twenty diets before finding the right one.
Next, do what makes you happy! Have you ever been so lazy that you procrastinate on things you want to do? You know what you want but you're too scared to try because of how unlikely it is to get? Well then you're in the same boat as me. I love music, but I almost didn't do anything last year about it and that needs to change. Luckily, I have Avalon to keep encouraging me. Find your closest friend and tell them your goals. Even if they don't help that much, telling someone will give you some motivation to do what makes you happy and complete your goals.
Wow, I thought I had more to say but that's it! See it's easy to have a fresh start! So now onto what's coming up on the blog. I'm traveling a lot this year, visiting the universities that have accepted me, so I'll post pictures and reviews on the blog. I'm super into tidiness and organization so I'm going to make a post about that soon. And we have a ton of recipes (vegan and normal) coming your way! I hope you're as pumped for the new year as we are! Please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and bloglovin' to get notifications of new posts!
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